Our curriculum adheres to state standards in all subjects, including the core areas of language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies. We also offer instruction in art, music, and physical education. For more information about state standards and assessments, please follow the links on this page.
Additional Programs
In addition to our regular curriculum, our students receive unique learning opportunities through the following programs:
Physical Education
Technology Career
Technical Education
Navajo Language and Culture
Field Trips
Many of our teachers offer tutoring before and after school, Monday through Thursday. Tutoring helps students who struggle to master new concepts or who have questions regarding assignments and homework. We’ll give them the one-on-one attention they need to succeed. Please check with your child’s teacher for available opportunities.
Summer School
Students may attend our annual summer school in order to improve and master their skill acquisition. We offer two summer school sessions each year in May and June. Summer School is an “invitation only” opportunity. Teacher recommendations are required for enrollment.
State Standards
Learn more about our educational standards and assessments.
Becoming COLTS
Care about and respect self and others
Offer to help and cooperate with everyone
Listen to others
Take responsibility for own actions
Strive to do your best everyday