
Kayenta Unified School District is happy to provide bus transportation to students within our district boundaries. Whether our students are riding to and from school each day or attending an extracurricular activity, safety is our top priority.
Bus Rules & Expectations
To ensure a safe and enjoyable bus-riding experience for everybody, we ask that you and your child have a clear knowledge of the bus rules and expectations.
Waiting for the bus: Be on time. Stay away from the road and the curb. Don't damage property or litter the surrounding area.
Getting on the bus: Make sure the bus driver has completely stopped the bus before you board it. Line up in single file. Use the handrails, and please don't push or shove. Take your seat right away, before the bus starts to move.
Be a good passenger: Keep books, lunch boxes, and other belongings out of the aisle. Use a book bag or backpack for your school items, and keep it on your lap or under your seat. Always make sure you have secured all objects and that they are free from harming anyone. Be courteous; do not use profane language. Cooperate with the bus driver.
In an emergency: Open the emergency door or window only in an emergency situation. Know what to do. Follow the bus driver's instructions carefully. When told, evacuate the bus at the emergency exits in an orderly manner. Stay in a group and away from traffic. Wait for further instructions.
Coming and going: Be careful when you walk to and from the bus stop. Always look both ways for cars before crossing the street. Do not horseplay at the bus stop.
While on the bus: Never throw things while on the bus. Keep arms and hands inside the bus at all times. Stay in your seat while the bus is moving. Do not eat or drink on the bus. Listen and follow the bus driver's directions. Talk quietly, and don't scream or shout. The bus driver needs to listen for emergency vehicle sirens and the sound of trains when the bus approaches any railroad tracks.
Getting off the bus: Use the handrails. Do not push or shove. Step down carefully, and move straight away from the bus. Stay where the bus driver can see you.
The danger zone: Around every bus is a danger zone. Buses are big and can be dangerous. There are blind spots where the bus driver cannot see you. If you drop anything on the ground or under the bus, don't try to pick it up. Tell the bus driver. The bus driver will help you get it back.
Transportation Staff
Please contact the Transportation Department at (928) 697.2051 with any questions or concerns.
Carol Todecheene
Steve Poorman
Shop Foreman
Patricia Yazzie
Office Support Specialist