Our Governing Board
Iverna Parrish-John
Glenda Fuller
Vice President
Chris Kescoli
Dr. James Nez
Patricia Parrish
Kayenta Unified School District is governed by a five-member board of trustees elected by popular vote with the sole interest of ensuring our students receive educational opportunities they are entitled to and deserve. The Governing Board consists of a President, Board Clerk, and three Members operating within the laws of the State Legislature, rules and regulations of the Start Board of Education and sets policies for management of the school district.
Public Notices
Board Meeting Archives
Our school board meetings are a matter of public record and available for your review. Access past years from our archives.
Board Policy
Questions about school policy? See our policy manual online.
Important Announcements
We want you to be aware of important information that affects our district.
None at this time
Public Notices
Public Notices and Agendas are posted on the front window at the KUSD Administration building.
Special Governing Board Meeting
Wednesday, March 26, 2025 at 8:30 AM DLST
KUSD Board Room
Doors open at 8:00 AM DLST
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 628 458 9627
Passcode: kw4JVA
Regular Governing Board Meeting
Thursday, April 10, 2025 at 5:30 PM DLST
KUSD Board Room
Doors open at 5:00 PM DLST
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 628 458 9627
Passcode: kw4JVA

Your Opinion Matters
We invite you to share your views with the board. We hold meetings on the second Wednesday of every month at 5:00 PM in the KUSD Elwood Saganey Board Room.
All regular and special meetings of the Board shall be open to the public.
The Board invites the viewpoints of citizens throughout the District, and considers the responsible presentation of these viewpoints vital to the efficient operation of the District. The Board also recognizes its responsibility for the proper governance of the schools and therefore the need to conduct its business in an orderly and efficient manner. Viewpoints from citizens will be presented in a manner consistent with Ké and Hozho. The Board therefore establishes the following procedures to receive input from citizens of the District:
A. Any individual desiring to address the Board shall complete a form (Request to Address Board) and deliver this form to the Superintendent's Office by three (3) p.m. the day of the Board meeting.
B. The Board President shall be responsible for recognizing speakers, maintaining proper order, and adhering to any time limit set. Questions requiring investigation shall be referred to the Superintendent for later report to the Board. Questions or comments on matters that are currently under legal review will not receive a response.
C. The time limit for public comment shall be limited to thirty (30) minutes total. The Board President and Superintendent will consolidate public comments if there are several comments on the same topic. In order to ensure that individuals have an opportunity to address the Board, the President shall set a time limit for individual speakers to three (3) minutes.
D. Personal attacks upon Board members, staff personnel, or other persons in attendance or absent by individuals who address the Board are discouraged. Policies KE, KEB, KEC, and KED are provided by the Board for disposition of legitimate complaints, including those involving individuals. Upon conclusion of the open call to the public, individual members of the Board may respond to any criticism made by an individual who has addressed the Board.
E. Presentations for unsolicited services will not be permitted. Companies or businesses offering services of possible interest to the District should send information to the District Office for distribution to appropriate School District officials.
The Superintendent shall ensure that a copy of this policy is posted at the entrance to the Board meeting room, and that an adequate supply of forms is available.
Adopted: July 12, 2023
BDB - Board Officers
BHC - Board Communications with Staff Members
BHD - Board Communications with the Public
KEB - Public Concerns/Complaints about Personnel
Individuals who would like to address the Board shall complete the Request to Address the Board Form and submit to Adrienne John, Executive Coordinator to the Superintendent & Governing Board by 3:00 PM the day of the Board meeting. Contact information for Adrienne is Email: Adrienne.John@kayenta.k12.az.us. and Phone: (928)697-2002.