Frequently Asked Questions
To answer some of your questions as quickly as possible, we’ve compiled a list of those most frequently asked by KMS parents. Be sure to read more throughout this website and in our student handbook so that you’re well-informed and prepared to support your child through a successful educational journey.
How do I enroll my child at Kayenta?
We are thrilled to welcome new members to our community! Please visit our Enrollment page for the information about enrolling your child at our schools. You may also download and print a copy of the registration forms and bring the completed forms, together with the required documentation, to our main office.
Does your school offer breakfast and lunch?
Yes, and at no cost to your household! Every student enrolled at KUSD is entitled to receive a nutritious breakfast and lunch every school day at no charge. Visit our district Food Services page to learn more.
What if my child requires medication during the school day?
We will administer medication in accordance with state regulations and with physician and parental approval. Please complete our medication authorization form, and bring medications in the original, labeled packaging to the front office. You can pick up medical authorization forms from the front office.
Do you provide transportation services?
We are pleased to provide our students with safe, reliable transportation to and from school each day. We consider bus riding a privilege and expect all students to adhere to the rules for their own safety as well as for the safety of others. For information on bus policies, schedules, and routes, please visit our district Transportation page.
What is ParentVue and how do I get a username and password to use it?
ParentVue is just another way we keep communication between home and school strong. It provides you with almost real time access to your child’s grades, attendance history, and other important information. To receive your login information, please call the front office.
What are the school hours?
Arrival: 7:15–7:45 a.m.
Tardy: 7:55 a.m.
Dismissal: 3:30 p.m.
What do I need to do if my child will be absent from school?
If your child must miss school, please call the school office on the day of his/her absence. For information about attendance requirements and what qualifies as an excused absence, please refer to our student handbook.
Do you enforce a dress code at Kayenta?
We expect our students to dress in an appropriate manner at all times. Student dress may not present a health or a safety hazard, violate municipal, county, or state law, or present a potential disruption of the educational process. Generally, we do not allow:
Clothing that exposes any part of the wearer's midsection or undergarments, even if covered with or by appropriate clothing
Clothing with any logo, writing, symbols, or numbers that reflect violence, malicious behavior, offensive language, sexual innuendo, drugs, alcohol, tobacco, or anything otherwise considered disruptive or gang related
Non-prescription dark glasses worn on the face or head, hats, caps, or other headgear unless designated for a specific purpose
Exposed body tattoos and piercings (we allow up to two earrings per ear)
Students on school property or at any school activity to wear, possess, use, distribute, display, or sell any clothing, jewelry, bandana, emblem, badge, symbol, sign, or other item perceived as evidence of membership in or affiliation with a gang
Will my child have access to the Internet while on campus?
Students can access the Internet for homework and school-related research from our computer lab, library, and some classrooms under the supervision of qualified school personnel. We require all students to abide by our Acceptable Use Policy as published in our Student Handbook. We expect our students to behave responsibly on school computer networks.
What shouldn’t my child bring to school?
We strongly encourage students to keep personal electronics at home. These items often detract from learning, are expensive, and are prone to become lost or stolen. We are not responsible for, nor will we offer assistance in locating lost or stolen items. Please remember that we do not allow energy drinks, laser pointers, pocket knives or other items that may cut, and bandanas on school property. We will confiscate these items, and your child may endure disciplinary actions as a result of bringing these items to school.
How can I get more involved?
We strongly encourage your involvement. Please take the time to introduce yourself to your child’s teacher and let him or her know that you’re interested in getting involved. Parents can also support their child’s education in some basic ways, including:
Encouraging your child to get plenty of sleep
Offering a healthy diet, including a good breakfast (or getting your child to school early enough to eat breakfast in our cafeteria)
Helping your child get up in plenty of time for school
Providing neat, clean, comfortable clothes
How do I donate my tax credit money to the school?
All you need to do is download and print the form located on the Tax Credit page; fill it out, and get it to us. You can make your contribution in person at any of our schools, or you may mail the form to us. We’ll mail you a receipt for tax reporting purposes.