Frequently Asked Questions

Are you looking for answers? We’ve responded to some of your most frequently asked questions below. If you need more details, we encourage you to read our student handbook. As always, you can also call our front office with questions.
How do I enroll at Monument Valley High School?
Welcome to our school! Please visit our Enrollment page for the information you need to register your child. If you have any questions, please contact us.
Do you offer meals at the school?
We offer both a breakfast and lunch program and also provide free and reduced lunch to qualifying students. Visit our district Food Services page for more information about pricing and how to apply for free and reduced meals.
Do you allow students to leave campus for lunch?
Monument Valley High School has a closed campus. School buildings open at 7:20 a.m., and we do not allow students to leave campus once they arrive. We consider students who leave campus without permission truant, and we will take disciplinary action. Students 18 years or older may check themselves out with the principal’s permission. We require a parent or guardian sign out all other students.
What is the dress code for Monument Valley High School?
We expect our students to dress in a way that takes into consideration the safety, health, and welfare of themselves and others and does not disrupt the learning environment. Students cannot wear hats, caps, bandanas, and other headwear in the building. Students who participate in athletics or other extra-curricular activities must follow the standards of dress defined by the activity sponsor.
In general, we do not allow students to wear the following items on campus:
Exposed undergarments
Strapless dresses and tops, spaghetti straps, revealing clothes, plunging necklines, and Spandex-type leggings
Blouses or shirts made of transparent material that reveal a bare midriff or shoulders
Brief shorts that expose the buttocks
Pajamas, except on spirit days
Bare feet and slippers
Any garments or accessories that display inappropriate messages, symbols, and gang affiliation
Clothing that promotes alcohol, drugs, tobacco, gang affiliation, violence, nudity, or profanity
Spiked or studded belts, bracelets, and necklaces
We reserve the right to determine whether a student’s clothing is appropriate for school. For more details regarding our dress code, please review the student handbook.
Does MVHS allow students to have a cell phone on campus?
We realize that some students may need to carry a cell phone with them because of work or family commitments. Students may take cell phones to school and may use them only during passing periods, lunch, and after school. We will confiscate cell phones that ring or that students use during class time.