Average Teacher Salaries
Districts must prominently display on their website the average salary for all teachers employed in the previous year and the average for the current year, including the dollar and percentage increase for teachers employed in the current year.
Average Teacher Salary FY 2019: $59,103
Average Teacher Salary FY 2020: $62,333
Increase in Average Teacher Salary from the Prior Year: $3,230
Percentage Increase: 5%
Average Teacher Salary FY 2020: $62,333
Average Teacher Salary FY 2021: $63,243
Average Teacher Salary FY 2022: $64,240
Increase in Average Teacher Salary from the Prior Year: $997
Percentage Increase: 1%
Average salary of all teachers employed in FY 2023 $65,061
Increase in Average Teacher Salary from the Prior Year:$3,347
Percentage increase: 5.4%
FY 2024 $68,000
Increase in Average Teacher Salary from the Prior Year:$4,205
Percentage increase: 6%
FY 2025 Average Teacher Salary

Spending Report
Core Values
Respect - we build healthy relationships through Ké and acceptance among all students, teachers, staff, parents, and community.
Responsibility - we maintain high academic expectations and commitment to empower all students to develop grit, independence, and become lifelong learners.
Trust - we exemplify integrity and ethics to promote teamwork within a safe learning environment.
Empathy and patience - we empathize and exercise patience, which results in the happiness of all students, parents, and community.
Communication and innovation ‐ we consistently exchange information with students, parents, community, and staff to embrace innovation.
Belief Statements
We believe:
As a district, we have a common goal of shared responsibility among students, parents, staff, and community to ensure student achievement.
We shall share the responsibility for building strong relationships, educational foundations, and supportive environments for all stakeholders.
Our school system is accountable to our community.
Open, honest, and transparent communication fosters credibility, mutual understanding, and trust.
Our students, staff, and all stakeholders deserve respect.
All students are capable of learning.
Vision Statement
Excellence. Every Student, Every Day.
Kayenta Unified School District
Kayenta Unified School District No. 27 is located in the Navajo Nation of Arizona. We are a people who take great pride in our heritage. It is our privilege and honor to be in the position to accompany our children on their journey to great heights and solid futures. As you learn about us, we know you’ll catch our enthusiasm and appreciate our awe-inspiring past, present, and future. We know that by working together, we accomplish great things!
Message from the Superintendent
May 14, 2024
Kayenta Unified School District is nearing the end of school year 2024-25. KUSD was recently labeled as a B district from the Arizona Department of Education. The district letter grades are based on the points awarded to each school. Debbie Braff Elementary School is a C school; Baker Middle School is a B school; and Monument Valley High School is a B School. The Early Childhood program is a three-star school.
There are summer opportunities for students if your student wishes to stay involved. Please contact your school for more information for enrollment information. In addition to academic opportunities there are also several sports clubs and camps available for the summer. Contact the club leader for more information. School websites or social media have much information readily available.
School year 2024-25 will reflect the KUSD strategic direction of providing a Culture of Continuous Improvement. The schools will focus on creating and maintaining trauma-informed schools to promote student well-being and safe, supportive learning environments.
The first day of school is August 5, 2024. I encourage all students to take the time off during summer to look back at the prior year to make sure lessons learned academically, socially, and emotionally support the new year. We all learn from prior successes and disappointments and we use this learning to lead us in realizing our potential. Each student, employee and family members can support the school to being the very best. Your assistance is greatly appreciated.
Thank you,

Lemual B. Adson
KUSD 27 Superintendent