
Good Morning All,

Miss BMS 2023-2024, Nala R. Nelson will be hosting this year's Miss BMS Pageant 2024-2025. We have three contestants vying for Miss BMS 2024-2025. Come out, join us and support our young ladies as they compete and perform for the title. The event is set for Friday, September 13, 2024 @ 9:30AM in the BMS Gymnasium.

We would like to thank Nala R. Nelson and her family for her two years of service as Miss KMS 2022-2023 and Miss BMS 2023-2024. She did an outstanding job representing our school with many commitments she was invited to and as well as balancing her academics and athletic achievements.

She represents our mission :

Baker Middle School will provide each student with an education that encourages them to develop strategies, knowledge and skills for life-long success.